Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Does God Exist???

This is one of the most asked and highly contested question all around the world . For some people god cease to exist because they think, why would the god who created him good allow his fellow human being to suffer from pain or disease?

Because they forget to think that god had given them a heart not to curse or accuse god but to show grace to the suffering person.But the sad part is most of the humans who want to say there is NO god always look to find the right scene and they never think that the right scene found is a scene they are supposed to act. What a pity?

There are some other humans who are Intellects and consider that god does not exist because there is part of  science that they have studied tell them that god does not exist because they would break the principles of science known to them, but I think they are not ready to accept that the learning has never ceased in humans and the other part of unknown science might reveal the existence of god .

The intellects in many circumstances have forgot that there are many cases which the science cannot explain though it exist within the scope to science known to them and they are not ready to accept the existence of god still, but attribute these occurrences to probability or some mathematical notation. Even here the heart is not ready to accept the scene and act, though the director(God) says to act.

For some people God does not exist because,  they see the abuses of the people who say there is God .They forget to think that even these Godly abusive people who say that there is God are same as them when they have not really understood the scene they have been asked to play. Still the God haters heart are just closed to accept facts but just ready to close their eyes and say based on the other actor ‘God does not exist’.

But there exist some humans Labeled ‘Pious’ ‘Religious’ ‘Godly’ who say that there is God and fight for it but I have questions in me to ask these people,Does your eyes and heart are open to see and accept the scene you have been placed to help other people or just for you to say God take care of them ?

I think ,me and others whoever might be cannot reject that god does not exist because god exist everywhere and all things does not ‘Just Happen’ or happen because of ‘Just Chance’.Everything is ordered even in a chaos and the human mind is not able to understand it.The cases understood in a chaos  by man can be attributed as science but he never did want  to acknowledge the person who understood the whole  of the chaotic things unknown to him as God but want to say from the chaotic things he understood there is No God or God does not exist because his eyes have not still seen the order in other chaotic things but see the whole things as just chaotic.

To finish off there are people who believe that God exist and show the world around God exist and there is no ceasing of humans who say God does not exist because many are not ready to do the part given for them to do.. If god exist how many Gods or just a God exist? It throws up another question which God Exist …


~tony~ said...

first of all, who cares...??? your title..

second of all, i don't understand what you are trying to explicate... :(

post on some interesting good topics

ToddyClimber said...

U dont like the title .Its ok :)
I m not trying to explicate but trying to put points which is reasonable i think.